The Million dollar AI Era Wall Of Fame:
1000 spots - $1000 each - 10 years commitments to shape AI history

Reserve your Spot

Showcase your confidence in your startup over the next decade

Plan selected: One

$1000 / One time

Equivalent to $100/year for 10 years

Information about your startup

Logo Preview
Must be square. Minimum size: 100x100px. Less than 1Mb.
Your name will not be visible on the website
You will receive your confirmation in this email
The name can not be changed.
The website of the startup or business.
A brief description of what the startup does (max: 140 characters).
Give us a short explanation on why your startup will succeed in the next 10 years (max: 500 characters).
A detailed description of the product, including key features and benefits.
Select up to 3 categories. If you don't find your category. Select one to reserve your spot, then email me to discuss the missing categories
Write some details about your deals
After submitting your application, I will manually review it. If your startup does not qualify, you will not be charged